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If you are a member of the Yavapai Republican Men's Forum you can order a badge to wear at our events, or other Republican events.
Our badges are great for showing membership in our organization and also help in getting to know other people during our events.
Cost is $20 per badge. It normally takes about 2 weeks to process an order and have your badge available. You can claim your badge when attending one of our luncheons.
Just click in the RED box below, provide the requested information on the form, process payment by credit card, and then submit your order.
Dues for the 2024-2025 year are $30. The club's fiscal year runs from July 1st of the current year to June 30th of the following year.
Dues are to be paid by the end of July of the current year.
If you have any question about whether or not you have paid your dues, feel free to use the Contact Us page.
If you have not yet paid your dues for 2024-2025, please click the RED box below and fill out the form to submit payment. You can also attend a luncheon and pay there.
As you know, we have the rule that a "reservation made is a reservation paid". If you did not cancel your luncheon reservation before the cutoff date and then did not attend luncheon, we ask that you pay for the reservation you made. We place the food order for the luncheon immediately after the cutoff date. Once the order is placed, we are obligated to pay for the number of people that made reservations at that time. So if you make a reservation and do not attend/pay, it is a loss to the club.
So we ask that you honor your commitment and pay for luncheon reservation(s) you made.
If you would like, feel free to use the Contact Us page if you have any questions or concerns.
If you would like to pay for your missed lunch, just click the box below and you can pay by credit card.
You can also send a check made out to "YRMF" to the address at the bottom of the page, or pay when you attend the following month's lunch.
Copyright © 2023-2024 - All Rights Reserved
Yavapai Men's Forum, Inc.
PO Box 12313
Prescott, AZ 86304